
Monday 3 July 2017


Follow up activity  

Why do we have Anzac day?
Because it for the people  that was in the war that past.
When did the war start?
Why was the Anzac button so important?
Because if they find it they can go to the chief and he can look up it and see who he is.
Why did the war affect many families?

Why do we say “Lest we forget”?
Because a lot of people past.  
What does ‘ANZAC’ stand for?
How do we show our support for the soldiers that went to war for us?
By saying thank you for going to the war for us
What did Ella find in her jacket?
The button from her grandpa's jacket.

Below you are going to write a letter to a Soldier named Dave, this man went to war for his country.  Write a letter telling him what you’d like to say.
 Hi Dave thank you for go to the war for us and we hope you liked the food there. 

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