
Wednesday, 5 July 2017

going swimming

Every  Monday and Wednesday we go swimming it is so fun. When we get in the pools, we take the roll then we go and have a shower so we can wet our hair and togs so after our shower we don’t need to wait to take the roll  so that we don’t get cold. First we need to sit on the bench. We need to put both hands on the other side of our body because it is really safe to do that because if it is a deep pool if you jump in the pool we  might not know how to swim but if you put both hands on your other side of your body when you get in the pool and

You can’t touch the floor you can just pull yourself up  and my instructor is Kat she is really fun and kind. We do free style, starfish and back style. We use flutter boards and we learn about rivers, beaches and lakes because if we're at the beach we need to swim between the flags so the life ghads can see us and if we go on the other side of the flags there might be big waves  and there might be hard rooks and the life ghads can’t see us and our parents won’t be able to find us. That is why we always swim between the flags. Yesterday we went swimming we used life jackets the clowers were yellow red and orange we learned how to jump in the pool and flip  on our backs and swim back to the island and the full in from the bin csh and float on our stomach.


  1. hi mia i hope you had a great time a class and i hope you like everything in your class from Precious.

  2. Hi Mia!

    I hope that you are having a nice break and staying warm and dry! If you are inside, hiding out from the rain and looking for something fun to do this holiday, please join the Winter Learning Journey. It's a free blogging programme that helps you practice your reading and writing skills and keeps you connected with your friends and classmates over the school break!

    To participate, log onto the Winter Learning Journey website and click on the 'Weekly Activities' tab. You will find 21 different activities on the website to choose from. To complete an activity, simply post your answer on your school blog site and we will read your answer and post a comment. We will also give you points and, at the end of the holiday, come back to your school to give you a Participation Certificate. We will also bring prizes for the top three bloggers in the school.

    Please consider joining us this holiday! We'd love to blog with you!

    Nicky and the Winter Learning Journey blogging team
